Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hotel Operator Guide 2021 - 8th Edition


The Hotel Operator Guide (HOG) Eighth Edition

is published by AP Hospitality Advisors. This guide is the most established publication in the industry in Asia Pacific to guide owners in understanding the scale, presence and capabilities of hotel operators worldwide. It highlights insights on existing and pipeline supply’s management structures, geographic distribution, as well as, room supply growth by brand and operator. The purpose of this publication is to serve owners and investors an unique reference about the growth and scale of international operators across regions and brands.

As hotel industry have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially independent hotels, more hotel owners and investors start to look for hotel chain brands in the hope of obtaining product premium and optimizing cash flow. Therefore, in order to achieve a better return, it is important to choose a suitable hotel operator for the development project. Although, different hotel brands may have similar positioning, their products, market presence and target audiences are diverse. With HOG, hotel owners and investors can have a comprehensive understanding of different hotel operators, compare brands’ scale, positioning, and management structure, and then choose a suitable hotel brand that matches the development project’s market position and attracts the right target segments. In addition, HOG also provides an overview of existing and pipeline hotel market, which can assist investors choose hotel market and avoid entering the “Red Ocean Trap”.

This Eighth Edition features 48 operators, and we captured over one million existing and more than half a million pipeline rooms spreading over 11,000 properties in total. Our analysis covers 33 countries and regions in Asia Pacific and 1,221 markets with existing hotels as well as 905 markets with proposed hotels.

We would like to thank all the operators who have participated and supported our publication, and we look forward to seeing more operators participating and have more brands included in our next year’s edition.

AP reserves all rights to include operators in the publication. This article gives an excerpt of our findings as below. Full Hotel Operator Guides are available for purchase, please contact

Happy reading and stay safe!

Click to download PDF file